When People Feel Safe, the Results Are Profound…

You know your people's creative ideas are your most valuable assets.

How are you removing the obstacles that prevent them from speaking up?

You care about creating a welcoming culture where people can show up as their best selves.

How can you guarantee that everyone feels safe expressing their identities?

You understand that centering your people's humanity fosters meaningful engagement.

How are you creating a culture that can address any form of harm? 

When we center feelings of safety, we cultivate more creative, authentic, engaged, and above all, human organizations. 

My Approach to Training

Cultivating safe cultures does not happen by chance. It requires deploying formal processes bolstered by informal cultural norms and reinforced by practicing human-centered skills. Our educational programs address these three aspects to ensure safety feels achievable. 

Offering Guidance Around Organizational Initiatives

It can feel overwhelming to translate outside training into practical and cost-effective initiatives. We've curated a library of proven best practices from organizations already achieving measured success.

Our programs teach tactics leaders can replicate to ensure their people feel supported as growth occurs.

Reinforcing Healthy Cultural Norms 

When creating safe cultures, we must account for the realities of work. When things get hectic, the ease of old habits trumps new processes and just-acquired skills. To overcome routines, we explore your cultural norms.

In identifying the inefficient patterns guiding decisions, we offer insights rooted in behavioral sciences to eliminate friction and help healthy behaviors stick.

Teaching Human-Centered Skills

Managing the intricate tapestry of your people's safety needs is complex, regardless of your organization's size. 

With the correct skillsets and a shared safety language, we can bolster everyone's confidence in advocating for their safety. And when properly reinforced, we create a culture where people advocate for each other to eliminate all forms of harm.

Keynotes & Programs

Putting Our People First: Creating Healthy Cultures Where Everyone Feels Safe

Feelings of safety are vital in creating spaces where people can engage as their best selves. It is impossible to be present if we feel unsafe. This is true no matter the type or severity of harm faced. Unaddressed or recurring safety gaps erode organizational trust, limit productivity, stifle people's voices, and ultimately cause us to check out. 

But when we do feel safe? The results are profound. People who feel safe build stronger relationships, are more engaged, make creative decisions, and experience a deeper sense of belonging.

Creating safe environments doesn't happen by chance. It requires intentional organizational efforts and investing in our people's voices to drive inclusive change.

This Program Is Perfect For:

  • Organizations and teams where their people's creative ideas and unfiltered opinions are their greatest assets.

  • Companies or industries where people are suffering from stress, exhaustion, or isolation due to recent organizational shifts, high-pressure periods, or external events.

  • Leaders invested in creating healthy workplace cultures that drive meaningful belonging, creative decision-making, and engaging work.

Participants Will:

  • Diagnose the obstacles creating a lack of safety and identify preventable sources of isolation, exhaustion, or disconnect. 

  • Adopt empathy-based measures to restore trust and overcome uneven power dynamics and ineffective norms.

  • Acquire actionable knowledge of how feelings of safety enhance engagement, foster creative decision-making, and support inclusive cultures. 

  • Bridge their people's skills and organizational capabilities to prevent stress responses and help people feel present.

Alone In A Crowded Office: Overcoming Toxic Behaviors That Foster Isolation

Toxic acts have no place at work, yet too often, people experience harm. Preventing harm takes more than only stopping the most severe behaviors. Unaddressed, minor behaviors and violations at any level heighten isolation, derail creativity, and erode trust. Research estimates that only 3 of 10 workers feel their voices matter, and almost 70% of workplace violations go unreported.

Your people’s unfiltered opinions and creative ideas are your greatest assets. How can you be sure they feel safe enough to speak up? How can you guarantee they feel empowered to advocate for themselves and others?

 Embrace an empathy-driven framework to label rooted issues, identify tools encouraging team member buy-in, and reinforce organizational efforts that build more welcoming cultures for all. Participants will acquire skills to confidently advocate for their voices and ensure that everyone feels empowered to speak up, regardless of their role, tenure, or social capital.

This Program Is Perfect For:

  • Forward-thinking organizations and associations willing to challenge ineffective, toxic, or outdated status quos to create more engaging spaces.

  • All levels of team members to create trust so that everyone feels comfortable speaking up to share valuable information without fear of reprisal or isolation.

  • Employees and leaders operating in fast-paced or high-pressure environments where trust gaps, undue stress, or a scarcity of resources can drive isolation, stifle creativity, or increase turnover.

Participants Will:

  • Diagnose why the type or severity of harmful behaviors are less critical than their impact and how any level of harm can create isolation, derail creativity, and erode trust.

  • Implement a tailored framework to reflect on obstacles and trust gaps before outlining organizational practices, investments, and policies to prevent harm.

  • Transform how they authentically seek out, hear, and act upon their people’s perspectives to identify inclusive solutions rooted in team member buy-in.

I’d Love to Hear From You!

I love learning about new perspectives and ideas. And I love questions, whether answering any you have or asking a few of my own to learn how I can support your work.

Let me know what is on your mind, and I will be in touch!